Apple Likely To Launch Vision Pro By February 2024: Inside Report

Apple is about to launch its cool new mixed-reality headset called the Vision Pro by February 2024. As per a report by Mark Gurman in Bloomberg, the company has been boosting its production in China at full speed for a few weeks now.

The Apple plan is to have products ready for customers by the end of January, getting ready for the retail launch of Vision Pro by February. Also, As per the report, the company sent an email to software developers on Wednesday, urging them to begin testing their apps for the Vision Pro using the latest tools and to send their software to Apple for feedback.

Apple Launch Vision Pro By February

Why is Apple taking so long to release the Vision Pro?

It’s taking time because Vision Pro has a complicated design that needs a precise fitting process involving custom headbands, Light Seals, and prescription lenses. 

Earlier this month, Bloomberg also reported that Apple plans to send at least two workers from every U.S. retail store to the company’s headquarters for training. This training will start in January. Each employee will learn about the Vision Pro – how it works, the important features, etc.

Gurman’s report also said that the Vision Pro mixed reality headset will only be sold in the United States. This disappointed many people. There’s a good chance that Apple will want customers to buy it in a store or collect online orders from a store. This is to make sure customers get the right headband size and light seal, which are really important for seeing content correctly.

Altaf Hassan a tech and gaming enthusiast with over 4 years of experience. He likes writing about tech, games, android tips, and how-to's. He loves playing games and learning new things about tech. That's why he created this website to share information.

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